Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aaron James Sorenson

This is from my www.badcb.blogspot.com. It was posted on Oct. 30,2009. It is related to my The Vertex Fighter script. Here's the blog post:

This was back on Oct. 17 and this guy who I pitched my script to emailed me a email that is very unconventional. A lot of rejections are: "We're busy for the next few years, we're doing 3 projects, and we don't do films anymore, etc."This is what Aaron James Sorenson said:

Tracy Au,
How the heck are you? Kind of you to contact me. I don't think I know you. Or do I? I went to university with a Tracy who's last name had only two letters. But I think they were "Ng". She was very nice. I wonder what happened to her.

I hope you survived the professional writing program at MacEwan College. Bunch of crap, I'm sure. You must forget it all as soon as possible. None of your teachers have ever made a movie or they wouldn't be there. None of the how-to-write-a-screenplay books they made you read were written by people with a real writing credit. Crap. Forget it as soon as you can. Especially try to forget things like "character development", and "exposition", yelch... makes me shudder.

If they made you read McKee you can remember most of that, and if they made you read Goldman you can remember all of that. Chances are you read Ackerman and Blake and Field and the bunch. Poor woman. Congratulations that you made it out.
Forgive me. It's late and I'm in an especially truthful mood.

Now as for me, I hate mixed martial arts. And I can't even say "cage-fighting" out loud. Are people still doing that? Not in my world. I really don't want to read that script. And I don't know anything about making movies for TV really anyway. But what can I say, because I like you Tracy Au. Personally I think you are great.

He choses to fight of course or you don't have a movie. But it can't really be about money, it must be about what the money means to him. No one really whores for money, unless they are a whore - and we don't really care for whores, but we care for people who HAVE to whore - for what it is they need the money for is so important it justifies whoring. Did that bad sentence make sense?

It just dawned on me that you might be a man. No problem. I like you all just the same. Well maybe not quite as much, but nearly as much. Either way.

Alex Donovan is too nice a name for a bad guy. Stiller is badder (sic) than Donovan. Might want to think about that.

There is much interest right now in mixed martial arts, you're right. I have an angry and fearful man on Gattis School Road, trying to get me to join something called Krav Maga or something like that here in Texas. I went to the free orientation. He tells people what a dangerous place the world is and they must immediately learn how to gouge out the eyes of attackers. They are all simply mad Tracy. Simply mad.

Peace Country Films is not really a production company that you could be very serious to work with, but it is kind of you to reach out just the same. We are just finishing my/our second feature film. Like the first it is a touching and charming comedy full of heart and affirmation and love. I wouldn't know what to do with a MMA movie anymore than I would know what to do with a doberman if someone left him on my doorstep.

But it was nice chatting with you. I wish you all the best and if I can help in any small way I'm happy to try. I did like the Wrestler a great deal, but that movie had nothing to do with wrestling. Beautiful movie though, didn't you think?
I must go. Nice to hear from a fellow screenwriter and a fellow Albertan.


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