Monday, July 4, 2011

Financial structure/ writing blog/ filming with a jib

Financial structure: I was looking up a financial structure for my pitch package. I found this website that has a chart. It tells what's being financed, how much each thing is going to cost, and the percentage it is out of the whole budget. In this example, it's $200,000.

This is from the Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund (CIFVF).

Pricewaterhouse Cooper is a company that helps people with taxes and created this:

I would say page 5 of this PDF is informative. Here's the lines: "Investors typically range from wealthy individuals seeking tax advantages to the recent trend of investment by highly sophisticated private equity investors. Typically, investors make a fixed payment equal to a percentage of a particular film's production costs in exchange for a similar percentage of the net returns of that title. A single film transaction, however, can result in significant volatility for the investor while reducing the down side risk of the film producer."

Writing blog: I have joined a LinkedIn writing group and it lead me to this link. It's helpful and it's all about writing. Here's her post on "Major elements of story."

Filming with a jib: I didn't know what a jib was until today. It's a funny word. I found this video on how to film with a jib. A jib is a long stick where you attach your camera on it. You can then move the camera around and get more shots, and looks more professional.

Adjusting the jib: You put the camera on the jib, and it glides and follows the actors on screen. You can also move it up to kind of get the shot of the camera panning up to the sky, and then it fades to black, like at the end of show.

Storing Camera Equipment: Cameras and equipment are expensive, so put it in a bag. He says to also hire someone to take care of the little pieces like the screws and tapes.

You have to look and be professional by having all your equipment in a proper bag, instead of in a trash bag.

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