Sunday, April 15, 2012

music/ themes

This is from

Apr. 11 The Vertex Fighter:

Music: I thought of a couple more songs.

"Harder to Breathe" by Maroon 5: I have their cd. This is a tough, rock song. You can play this song during a fight scene. Here's their music video:

"Push it" by Amerie: This is more of a motivation song to keep pushing and trying to achieve your goals. I can see this song playing during a montage of the lead Shawn working out and training. Here's the link to the song. On the description it said that it's a good work out song. lol.

"Make it Rain" by Amerie: "Make it rain" means make money. This has a good beat, got a tough, gangster vibe to it. You can dance to it. This song could play in a montage.

Themes: I have written before about busy plots. As in there are too many stories going on at the same time. In The Vertex Fighter, I am able to list 3 themes.

1. Mix Martial Arts (MMA)- the action.
2. Police involved- the story.
3. The brother's drama- the characters.

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