Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Rosie Project/ Margaret Atwood

Sept. 6 The Rosie Project: I’ve read a review of the book The Rosie Project by Graeme Simison in the Globe and Mail.  It was a good review.  According to Amazon: 

“The feel-good hit of 2013, The Rosie Project is a classic screwball romance about a handsome but awkward genetics professor and the woman who is totally wrong for him.

A first-date dud, socially awkward and overly fond of quick-dry clothes, genetics professor Don Tillman has given up on love, until a chance encounter gives him an idea.

He will design a questionnaire—a sixteen-page, scientifically researched questionnaire—to uncover the perfect partner. She will most definitely not be a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker or a late-arriver. Rosie is all these things. She is also fiery and intelligent, strangely beguiling, and looking for her biological father a search that a DNA expert might just be able to help her with.

The Rosie Project is a romantic comedy like no other. It is arrestingly endearing and entirely unconventional, and it will make you want to drink cocktails.”

In the Globe and Mail, the review said it’s obvious that the character Don has Asperger’s syndrome.  This seems like an interesting and fun book to read.

Words: I’ve been reading and then when I find a word I don’t know, I write it down so I can look it up later on

Diocesan- “1. of or pertaining to a diocese. “A diocese is “an ecclesiastical district under the jurisdiction of a bishop.

Hagiography- the writing and critical study of the lives of the saints; hagiology.

Malapropisms- the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one of similar sound, esp when creating a ridiculous effect, as in I am not under the affluence of alcohol

Centrifuge- an apparatus that rotates at high speed and by centrifugal force separates substances of different densities, as milk and cream.

Numismatic- of, pertaining to, or consisting of coins, medals, paper money, etc.

Sept. 11 Syfy TV movies: I went to a job fair today, looked for a job, read the business section of the newspaper, and basically read the newspaper.  Let me treat myself to watching some more of these Syfy TV movie trailers.

Haunted High: I watched this one and immediately thought: “Isn’t that Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia from Buffy) in those glasses?  I checked on imdb, and it is.  The story of a headmaster collecting souls.

Hansel and Gretel: This was some months ago, but I watched the first 20 min. of this movie because I do like watching fairytale characters set in the present time (like Once Upon a Time) and horror movies.  I was tired that night, so I stopped watching after 20 min.  Here’s the trailer.

I think I will watch the rest of this when it comes on TV again because I have this thing to watch and complete things to the end.

Behemoth: A big monster comes out from a volcano and attacks people.

Hydra: This one seems a little bit more interesting.  These bounty hunters drop off these 4 criminals onto an island and hunt them down as a game.  There is a hydra which is snake with 3 heads and it’s eating people with their heads first.

Dinoshark: Eric Balfour is in it.  Remember the Buffy pilot where he plays Xander and Willow’s friend Jesse who turns into a vampire?  He was also in the big movie remake Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  This is basically a dinosaur and shark mixed together and it likes to jump out of the water and eat people alive and in mid-air.

Sept. 16: From watching these trailers, Syfy makes bad movies.  Hallmark makes all these soft movies about romance, family, and lots of Christmas ones too.  I only two of them: Love Begins and Love’s Everlasting Courage, because the actor Wes Brown was in it.

It was boring because there was very little conflict.  Not too complicated or interesting of a story.

Newspapers: Did you know that the Edmonton Journal changed their layout about a month ago?  I thought it looked good.

Subscriptions: I was thinking about how my family used to subscribe to 3 newspapers like the Edmonton Journal, the Globe and Mail, and the National Post.  It’s not until this year, we canceled the Post.

It reminds me of The Simpsons joke where an accountant goes through their records.

Accountant: You have 3 Vogue subscriptions.
Homer: I have 3 bathrooms.


Flashback: This leads to a flashback in gr. 9.  I think it was a Junior Achievement workshop and talked about the cost of living.  Newspaper subscriptions are expensive.  I just checked and it says the Edmonton Journal has a deal of $24.99 for 4 months of daily newspaper.

Margaret Atwood: She’s been in the newspapers and I have been reading interviews with her.  She’s promoting her new book Madd Addam.  I saw her when she gave a talk in 2006.  I was reading her book Oryx and Crake for college.  In 2009, she released the book The Year of the Flood to follow up the Crake.  Madd Addam is the last book in her trilogy.

The Fringe: This year the Fringe did very well, that’s what I read in the Journal.  I just read the Fringe reviews.  I was too busy with work to go and see a play.  I haven’t seen a play since 2001.  It was also for school and it was the play called “The #14” about passengers on a bus.  It was a comedy and various passengers come on and it was like a comedy sketch.


A dangerous person has contact with a good guy’s family: I was watching Do No Harm, because CTV was airing the remaining episodes on Sat. nights in the summer.  The bad guy Ian was at the good guy Ruben’s place for a family dinner.

It was done on Buffy when Angelus (Angel without a soul) is talking to Buffy’s mom Joyce right outside their house.

When I was watching Do No Harm, I immediately thought: “I wrote a scene before where a woman has to introduce a bad guy to her mom.”

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